Benefits You Can Access
Organizational performance improvement for our partners allows them to receive a wide-range of benefits, including those strategic and operational, as well as cost-based. Benefits include:
Strategic Gains
- Enhanced access to technology professionals
- Expanded customer service/sales channels through new uses for the Web (e.g., integrated e-commerce)
- Software development specifically to increase efficiency
- Data access, collection, and manipulation for a widely dispersed organizational operation
Operational Gains
- Improved optimization within current processes
- Improved reliability of systems
- Developed mission-integrating technology strategy
- Preparation for technology advances in the marketplace
- Elimination of technology oversight/management of non-critical systems
- Preparation for rapid scalability of service
Cost Reduction Gains
- Lowered IT management costs for your organization
- Shared application development costs
- Reduced maintenance costs
Risk Management/Due Diligence Focus
Many organizations view a BreakThru Technology Partnership as a risk management or due diligence organizational activity. We work with you to ensure:
- Integration of both business and technology objectives
- Balanced, directed, communication exchanges between business and technology strategists
- Insight into similar decision-making and related risk management/land-mine avoidance at like-organizations
- Agreement on methodology application that unites strategic and tactical planning processes for the business and technology community